Have you ever launched a new web site? If so, did you have any web page building experience or training or, like me, did you learn it all on the fly? Well, let me tell you it is a nerve wracking experience. Even though you know that no one else will ever see your work until you actually press the "Publish" button, you're still worried that all of your mistakes are somehow going out over the world wide web for all to see. Well, here it is, all dressed up and out there for the whole world to see.
You can be the best handmade soap maker in the business but if you have an awful web site, who would ever try your soaps?
Well, here it is. We will be making changes, adding content (especially stuff about different essential oils) so you will have the tools you need to tell one bar of soap from another.
We hope you enjoy reading about and using our handmade toiletries as much as we enjoy making them and bringing them to you.
You can be the best handmade soap maker in the business but if you have an awful web site, who would ever try your soaps?
Well, here it is. We will be making changes, adding content (especially stuff about different essential oils) so you will have the tools you need to tell one bar of soap from another.
We hope you enjoy reading about and using our handmade toiletries as much as we enjoy making them and bringing them to you.